Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fall Break Fun with Papa

October 4, Wednesday

We had a lot going on this morning. Daniel, Andrew and I all left at 7:30 AM. Daniel went to swim practice, I went to tennis, and Andrew went to pick up Dad at the airport. I played tennis and won two sets. I was done by 10 AM and home by about 10:20 AM. Dad and Andrew had just gotten home because they went to Waffle House. Daniel got home shortly after they did.  The boys played Aggravation with Dad while I got ready for the day. Daniel won. I made chicken enchiladas for dinner. Daniel went to hang out at Carson's house this afternoon and he ate when he got home. Dad and I watched Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, regular Wheel of Fortune, and the Masked Singer. Then Jonny begged for the downstairs TV so Dad and I played backgammon and everybody else did their own thing. 

October 5, Thursday

I had a fun day with Dad and the boys. We left around 10:30 AM for Scottsdale and went to Octane Raceway. Jonny did his junior race first, then Andrew and Daniel did two adult races. Andrew got first place in the first adult race. He did amazing! He was tearing it up. He and Daniel started in 11th and 12th place respectively, but Andrew kept passing people and made it all the way to first. 

After Octane Raceway, we went to lunch at Butters Pancakes. Once we got there, there was a table ready for us right then so we got right in. It was a great meal and we had fun. 

Dad wanted my help with changing the ringtones for me and Debbie and Ken because we're the ones he texts and calls the most. He was pretty touched when I told him that my ringtone for him was All-American Girl. I played it for him and he got choked up. I told him that reminds me of when he told me that he thought I was going to be a boy and then once he realized I was a girl, he threw out all the boy toys he had bought and never looked back. 

Dad took a nap and I did some work on the computer and we mostly hung out. Daniel had swim practice at 6:30 PM. When Dad woke up from his nap, he and Andrew went to Cobblestone car wash to get the car cleaned inside and out. I made pork roast for dinner so we all had some of that. Andrew went to work out and so did I. Once the boys got home, we read through the lesson for the week. Then Michael went to work out. Dad and I watched The Amazing Race. Once he went to bed, I watched The Golden Bachelor. It's been a great fall break so far!

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