Sunday, January 15, 2012

Adventures in Picture Taking

I don't know what it is lately, but I can't seem to get a good picture of all of the kids. On Christmas day, I tried to get a good picture of them in their pajamas. Jonathan didn't want to be in it, and this one would have been OK if Daniel hadn't decided to make a run for it.

This one was better, but the camera didn't cooperate.
We had a nice visit with Jim and Carol after Christmas. We tried to get a good picture with Grandpa and Grandma after church, but Jonathan was tired and grumpy, and Daniel kept sticking his tongue out. This was the best one. Seriously.
This one is pretty good. Jonathan was taking his nap at the time. The kids had fun putting this together and later decorating it.
Here is a good picture of my sweet Emily. Doesn't she look pretty in her new dress? Her grandparents gave it to her and she loves it!

Some day it will be easy to get a good picture of the kids where they don't make goofy faces and they can sit still for more than 5 seconds. Maybe. But that would just mean that they are growing up. So for now, I'm happy with these imperfect pictures of my wonderful children. I want them to stay little for as long as possible!

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