Sunday, March 29, 2020


Well, we're still doing well during this time of social distancing.  We know that Nathaniel will be coming home once the lockdown and travel ban are lifted, but we just don't know exactly when that will be.  They are trying to get the missionaries out sooner since they just extended the lockdown to April 15.

We've had church at home the last three weeks.  Emily has been good about making programs for us.

The lady who taught us how to decorate cookies this past Christmas was offering cookie kits so that we could decorate at home.  We made the mistake of waiting to decorate the next day, so the icing was a little runny.  They were still tasty, though!

The teachers and administrators at Jonathan's school drove around our neighborhood and the neighborhood where the school is to wave at the children.  Very cool!

We've had a good week.  The teachers are trying to plan for some at-home online learning for the kids to start next week, so we've been overwhelmed with emails.  It seems that everywhere we turn, people are trying to suggest things we can do so that we're not bored, but we have plenty to do!!  Emily has had homework every day for math.  The kids have had Zoom meetings with teachers and classmates as well, which is very cool.  We have a great system going where the kids are screen-free except for education from 9am-3pm, but there are certain times of day where they are allowed to play video games or watch shows.  The kids are doing great and I'm really proud of them!

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