Thursday, October 8, 2020

Our not-Cancun Trip

We were supposed to go to Cancun this week on Tuesday.  On Monday, we went back and forth on whether or not we should go because of the predicted rain all week.  We finally made the decision to go for it, and then an hour later we saw the news that there was a hurricane on the path to hit Cancun.  Once we saw that, we knew we shouldn't go.  Thankfully, I was able to cancel everything.  We quickly made plans to do something different.  After weighing our options and the cost, we decided to go to Tucson and spend a couple nights at a nice resort.  It was wonderful!  We didn't have to bother with flights and we were able to take our time packing and driving down there.  We drove there on Tuesday afternoon and came back on Thursday.  

View from our room

Relaxing at the pool

Night view of the resort on our way to dinner

Pinnacle Peak restaurant
Look at the size of their "cowboy" steaks
Do you see all the ties hanging down?  They have a sign that says, "No ties allowed."  So, they have a tradition that if people come in wearing a tie (which they do on purpose), the waitress will come over and make a big production out of cutting off their tie and they label it and hang it from the ceiling.  A table near ours did that and it was pretty cute.

This Pinnacle Peak area reminded me of Frontierland at Disneyland.  Almost all the shops were closed, but it was fun to walk around a bit.

More views of the resort
This was the path to the tennis courts

Relaxing at the pool

I couldn't resist going on the waterslide, and Michael recorded me, lol

On our way home, we stopped at a trendy brunch restaurant.  Michael had the biscuits and gravy and I had coconut almond French toast.  The plate in the middle is bacon beignets, which were really good.

As much as I would have liked to go to Cancun, I am grateful for the technology that warned us of the danger (I actually got a notification on my phone from the Weather app) and my heart goes out to those affected by these storms.

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