Sunday, February 25, 2024

Emily's Birthday Weekend

February 24, Saturday

Today, we did our normal morning routine. Emily's flight arrived about half an hour early. I had told the boys I needed to go to the store to get food for dinner so I pretended that's why I had to leave and I came back to surprise them. Jonny was the first to come downstairs. He stopped in shock for a few seconds and then gave a little smile and walked over to give her a big hug. He said, “My bestie.” Daniel saw her and said, “Again?” Michael already knew she was coming so he saw her and said, “Emmy,” and gave her a big hug. Then Andrew came down and said, “Wait, is there something else?” We said no, it's just Emily this time. They were all happy.

We chatted for a little bit and then we got ready to go to lunch at Texas Roadhouse. We had a great meal together. We didn't have to wait very long because I had put us on the waitlist. 

Then Michael drove me to Sam's Club so I could get a roast. They were making bets on how long it would take me. They said they would give me 12 minutes. Then I said “Well, what do I get if it's less? Can I go to Batch cookies and grab some cookies on the way home?” They said sure. They didn't believe I could do it but I did. I raced in and out of there as fast as I could. I didn't even ring up the groceries until I was standing in the line to leave because it was so busy. Then we stopped at Batch cookies and went home. The kids played some video games. Andrew went to the gym while we played Role Models on Jackbox and then when he got home, we played some Trivia Murder Party. Then Emily and Jonny went to the school to take some pictures for her project. They saw the hurdle that was broken when Jonny fell. I took about a half-hour nap and got ready for the stake conference adult session. Andrew went with us. It was a wonderful meeting! After the meeting, we went straight to Cold Stone because that was Andrew's request. We got the orders from the kids at home and brought some home to them. Cold Stone was pretty busy. We came home and had our treats. We watched a couple episodes of Name That Tune and then everybody got ready for bed.


February 25, Sunday

I'm so grateful Emily was able to come even though it was a short trip. We had a wonderful time. We went to Stake Conference and it was very nice. They had a number of Primary children give talks and they were so sweet. The Primary children did a beautiful job in the choir and the adult choir was amazing! The final number was "I Believe in Christ" and they sang it like the Tabernacle Choir arrangement and I thought it was amazing! I assisted Andrew with making chicken enchiladas and we had that for lunch. Then we had an adulting lesson about health insurance and I shared some actual costs from Jonny's surgery. We talked about that for a while and then we had family home evening. We shortened it quite a bit but still had a good discussion. Jonny gave the lesson. Next, we got out Emily's chocolate birthday cake and sang to her and had some cake. 


Then it was time to play a board game together. Of course, Emily chose Clue. She was pretty proud of me that that's what I guessed she would want but I know her well. Michael won the first game and then Emily won the second one. After the first game, it was time for Andrew to go to Gathering Israel which was fine with him because he hates that game. While he was gone, we played Phase 10. Then Emily and Jonny worked on her project/paper a little bit. I did a few chores on the computer. Everybody had a little bit more to eat and then we got ready to take Emily to the airport. We're so glad she was able to visit!

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