Sunday, December 30, 2018


We feel so blessed that we have been able to spend time with family this Christmas season.  

Sunday evening, we went over to my sister's house for dinner.  We brought chocolate pie, and she made us a very nice ham dinner.  We opened presents together and had a great time.  The kids were thrilled with the Harkin's gift cards from the Akers.

Christmas Eve
Event though it was Christmas Eve, it was still a Monday so I had laundry to do.  The boys helped me a lot with their clothes.  I am teaching them how to wash their own.  Andrew and Emily already wash their own clothes.  We also got to "chat" with Nathaniel on Google Hangouts like usual.  

I bought two of these mini Christmas trees.  I sent one to Nathaniel in his Christmas package, and the other is set up in our front room.  I like having the same one he has.

For dinner, we met Carol and Erin at Rancho de Tia Rosa's.  It's always been Michael's family's tradition to have Mexican food on Christmas Eve, so we have tried to keep up the tradition.

On our way to dinner, Michael received a text that a family in our neighborhood needed some help with Christmas for their kids.  So after dinner, instead of going home we went to Target and bought some presents.  They were very grateful.  

The kids followed the rules, and didn't wake us up until 7am on Christmas day.  They did a great job buying their Secret Santa gifts for one another, and each child made a card or present for Mom and Dad.

Emily made this photo board for Michael

The boys loved their gifts from Papa and Nana.  Emily and I got to go shopping with Papa for our gifts. :-)

Andrew asked for a 5lb Hershey's bar, but he was pretty happy with this 3lb one.

Daniel is already on book 4 of the Calvin and Hobbes collection!

Of course, the highlight of my day was talking to my boy!  We started our video call at about 2:15pm.  We loved talking to him!  I was able to Skype with Dad, and I held the phone up to the camera so Dad and Nathaniel could have a few minutes to talk.  Carol and Erin came over at about 3pm and also had some time to talk to him.  We had to finish our call a little before 4pm.  He had said we would get 90 minutes, and we got even a few more.  We ended the call with Nathaniel bearing his testimony and we had a family prayer together.

Here is a short message from him:

After the call, we had dinner and opened presents with Grandma.  The kids were excited to get spending money and this huge piano.  

Here they are the day after Christmas, playing Monopoly: Cheater's Edition.  

We had planned to go on a trip to Flagstaff so the kids could play in the snow, but there wasn't any snow so we postponed our trip.  We originally made plans to have our anniversary dinner on Jan 4, but since we were in town we went to a fancy dinner at Ruth's Chris in Scottsdale.  I love that place!  Especially when I have a gift card, lol! 

On Friday, we used one of Jonathan's gifts, which was 12 passes to Makutu's Island play park.  He wanted his cousins to go, and they all had a fun time.

Today was Daniel's last day in Primary.  He is pretty excited about that!  I'm excited that church will start at 10am next week, instead of 8am!!!

Merry Christmas!

Love, The Mays

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